Life with Coco and Gigi... and Jack-Jack too!

Life as a Mom, A Homesteader, A Blogger and A Wife.

Gaming with your kids?

As my kids are getting older their interests have changed pretty dramatically. The girls have given up on their childhood toys and are moving on to hanging with friends and doing big kid things. The boy spends more time asking to play video games than playing with action figures. While it truly makes me sad that they are growing up, there are some perks. Here's something you might not know about me - not only do I like to play video games, but I am good at them. So when Jack asks to play a video game I get to "take a break from work" and play with him. 

One of my recent clients, my buying guide, has opened my eyes to gaming projectors. I consider myself somewhat tech savvy but things seem to be advancing faster than I can keep up with. I knew about projectors for watching movies, but now you can play your favorite game on the big screen. Here's more:

my buying guide helps newbies (like me) and those in the know (not me) figure out what projector is right for their needs. 

So when you are thinking of the perfect family Christmas gift or trying to find something new for the avid gamer in your life - give this a look. 

Keeping Your Flowers Fresh

I'm sure I am not the only one who has a laundry list of jobs they filled during their high school and college years. It's actually an interesting question to ask new friends. What interesting places did you work at? For me I held down the fort at many kinds of places - waitress, bartender, dry cleaner, fast food worker, cook, nanny and floral shop. Working in a floral shop was a cool place to meet people who are at many places in their life. I worked with as many funeral clients as I did weddings. While it wasn't always fun it was a way to bring smiles to people's faces at the best and worst times in their lives. When I got to write this fun piece for a client on flowers I decided why not share.

The Ultimate Guide to Long Lasting Flowers

That special someone wowed you again with a beautiful bouquet of your favorite flowers. Whether it’s a dozen scarlet red roses or a simple pair of yellow blooms, you can’t help but be brightened by their arrival. The flower shop delivered them with handy instructions for how to get started. You followed the directions and put them in water - now there they sit looking beautiful! The only problem is that in just a few days they will start to wilt and your special delivery will be in the garbage bin. What if there were ways to help your flowers last longer and stay beautiful? Here are some ways to keep those beautiful buds blooming longer and even more beautiful!

Flower Shop Pro Tip #1: Add Some Fizz

As medical professionals are collectively cautioning us against our favorite soda pop, we are tasked with finding additional uses for the bubbly sitting idle on our shelves. One of the coolest ways to use up that extra soda stored in the pantry is to help boost your blooms with bubbles. Roses and other flowers flourish in the presence of sugar. Many floral experts have found that by using around ¼ cup of regular sugary soda in your vase water you can add days to the life of your flowers. If you are using a clear vase use clear soda and no one will know your secret bloom booster.

Flower Shop Pro Tip #2: The Bartender’s Solution

Another cool way that flower experts are recommending to prolong the life of your fresh roses is to add a little booze to give them some extra encouragement. North Carolina State University Horticulturalist John Dole told Scientific American, “When you add a few drops of vodka to vase water, it probably delays wilting by inhibiting a flower's production of ethylene, a ripening gas that plants emit”. Thus outlining how vodka can be used as another innovative way to lengthen the time you can enjoy your fresh cut flowers. By giving your flowers back some of the nourishment that was diminished when it was cut, you can add to their natural beauty as well. Just a few drops of vodka (or any clear spirit) to your water (along with a teaspoon of sugar) can seriously lengthen your roses life. Make sure to change out the water/vodka/sugar mix every other day.

Flower Shop Pro Tip #3: Keeps Headaches Away Too

Want to know how you can both cure a headache and enhance your fresh roses? Try aspirin! This oldie, but goodie has been shown to keep fresh cut flowers fresher, longer. Simply crush one aspirin tablet and add it to the water. The salicylic acid housed in the aspirin tablet will keep the water clean and free from potentially damaging bacteria.

Flower Shop Pro Tip #4: All Day Hold

Hairspray can do so much more than just keep fly-aways in check. It has been used to keep ladies stockings from running, remove stains and even kill bugs. Now we know that just a spritz of hair spray can keep your cut flowers looking fresher for longer. Hold the can several inches away from the blooms and spray the underside of buds and leaves. This is a great way to keep those roses looking beautiful longer.

Flower Shop Pro Tip #5: Keeps Whites Whiter and Blooms Bloomier

Another bacteria-busting agent that can help further your flower power is none other than household bleach. Who knew that something we all have on hand could add days to the life of our flowers? By adding just a quarter teaspoon of bleach per quart of water you can amp up your roses. Another option is to add a few drops of bleach along with a teaspoon of sugar to do double duty. Not only will your vase water stay clean, but any potentially harmful bacteria will be kept at bay.

Flower Shop Pro Tip #6: ACV

ACV or apple cider vinegar has become a pantry staple for everything from making salad dressing to boosting immunity. Horticultural experts recently found that ACV can also help keep cut flowers looking better longer. By mixing 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and 2 tablespoons of sugar into your flowers water you will extend their life and keep them looking their best.

Flower Shop Pro Tip #7: A Solution for Pocket Change

We’ve all heard the adage, “see a penny, pick it up, all day long you’ll have good luck”. But did you know they might have been referring to the luck of your fresh flowers? Ok, maybe that wasn’t the reason behind the rhyme but it is true that adding pennies to your vase water can help keep your flowers spruced up. The copper found in in pennies acts as an acidifier, which means that it inhibits bacterial growth. Since bacteria are no friends to your fresh roses, pennies will add cents to your blooms.

Flower Shop Pro Tip #8: Sweeten Your Way to Better Bouquets

One of the key ingredients in many commercial plant foods is some form of sweetener. Sugar is one of the best things to add to your vase water to extend the life and the beauty of your fresh cut bouquet. Dissolve 2-3 tablespoons of white sugar for each quart of warm vase water. The sugar will feed your plants while the vinegar will keep bacteria levels to a minimum.

Flower Shop Pro Tip #9: Chill Out Your Roses

Experienced florists know that cold temperature slow the aging process in cut flowers. This is why most flower shops keep cut blooms cool before they reach their final destination. So why not put flowers in the fridge when you are not enjoying them? The simple act of putting your roses in the fridge while you sleep will extend their life for days and keep them looking beautiful during the day. You can’t enjoy them while you sleep so why not extend their beauty while you are awake?

Flower Shop Pro Tip #10: Trim and Trim Again

Most of us know that we should trim the ends of flower stems when they arrive. But did you know that trimming should be a process during the life of your fresh cut flowers? When the petals begin to wilt this is because they cannot move the water through the entire stem to get water to the blooms. To aid in this process you can simply shorten the stem. As flowers start losing their luster, trim the stems. You can trim multiple times to keep the flowers fresh for as long as possible.

These are ten of the most innovative and creative ways to keep your fresh cut roses looking their best for longer. Fortunately, many of these hacks use things you keep around your house. By helping your flowers with extra boosts every other day you can keep their beauty for over a week. Give them a try and see which is your favorite.

Steps to staying physically and mentally strong in a workplace

A great article I got to write recently. I think these issues effect almost most of us. 

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the average American between the ages of 25 and 54 with children spend approximately 8.8 hours of each day in their office. This equates to 44 hours a week, which is almost 2,300 hours a year. With so much time spent in the workplace it is easy for it to become physically and mentally draining. Here we will look at some simple steps you can take to stay physically and mentally strong in the workplace.

Best Ways to Stay Mentally Strong in the Workplace

Many Americans report that the toughest part of their workday is the toll it takes on their mental state. The more time people spend “cooped up” the higher their rates of depressed mood, boredom and even depression. In order to stay mentally fit you should engage in simple steps to keep your workplace a mental health haven.

Know how to tackle tough conversations using fair language

While television office places are usually fun, comical and free from uncomfortable exchanges, the real world is a different story. Most office workers struggle when it comes time to have tough conversations with both their superiors and their subordinates. A great way to make this part of the job easier is to have fair conversations. Find a place in the office that is calm and comfortable and have a frank conversation with your office mates. Use fair language to describe whatever needs discussing. Avoid making things personal or emotional to keep things copasetic.

Know how to take feedback and deliver it to others

Another important area that most offices could stand to grow is in the delivery of feedback. A recent study showed that by making feedback constructive will help boost the trust and growth of employees. Experts at Success Magazine outline that constructive and effective feedback should:

1.   Create an agreed upon goal
2.   Use carefully chosen words
3.   Include supportive facts
4.   Use a two-way dialogue
5.   Don’t lump the good with the bad
6.   Be empathetic

Using these tips will help employers to address important topics while leaving employees feeling positive and supported.

Best Ways to Stay Physically Strong in the Workplace

While supporting your mind is important, too many office workers overlook ways to keep their body strong while at work. No, you probably won’t bring your weight rack and treadmill to the office, but there are ways you can support your body in the workplace. For example, have you considered a stand-up desk? Just standing a couple of times a day instead of sitting can have marked benefits.

Workplace Exercises

There are many simple exercises and stretches that can be done in a small space like a cubicle. One of the series of exercises you can use are core exercises. One example would be to sit in your stationary office chair and extend your legs in front of you. Hold them for as long as you can while breathing deeply. This will help strengthen your core. You can also do a series of stretches to help keep your body from getting sore. Toe touches, arm circles and basic yoga poses are great ways to stay loose throughout the day.  Who hasn’t heard of the squat and lunge challenge. Even the smallest offices have plenty of room to challenge yourself and your office mates. One of our favorite virtual office mates, Jason L. walks us through a series of easy to follow, brief exercises and stretches that will keep you moving throughout the day.

Support Your Frame While You Work

One of the most important ways to support your body while in the workplace is to set up your office in the best possible way. Choose ergonomic furniture to avoid injuries from bad placement. Make sure your height adjustable desk is at the ideal height for your needs. If you spend most of your day staring at the computer you might want to consider a standing workstation or a ball chair to avoid bad posture, strain injuries and an unsupported body.

The workplace no longer needs to be a sedentary, boring experience. 
These are just a few of the important ways you support your physical and mental well being in the workplace. By staying at the top of your game you will be a better employee and stay healthy.

We're getting close!

We decided about eight months ago that our little family needs to take a break. So we decided to make some smart money choices and save enough for a trip to Disney World. It didn't leave us much time to save for this big trip but we did it! We went for some of the big upgrades and I am so glad we did.

Forty days and counting!!!!! Ticker
Free Disney Tickers

Our Favorite Sensory Diet Ingredients

Around age 2 both girls were diagnosed with Sensory Processing Dysfunction. Abby has always been a sensory seeker of the highest proportion. We always thought that as time went on it might be reduced, but that has not been the case. On the other hand, Grace tended to be more of a sensory avoider. As she has gotten older she does MUCH better with texture and even crazes it to some degree. 

What has always astonished me is how much better both girls function when we pay attention to their sensory diet needs. I thought I would put together a list of some of the items that are must haves on our sensory diet list. 

The Gymnic Movin' Sit Inflatable Seat: This little powerhouse has been sat upon by almost every hynie in the house. I must admit on particularly hyper days even I can be found swaying to and from to keep my attention level up. Abby get a lot of input from the dimples, but Grace and I enjoy the ability to move while you sit. Costs just over $30 so a great buy. 


Z-Vibe: Although the Z vibe finally died in our house after 6 years of use, it is a great tool for kids whose sensory needs involve the mouth. For us, that was both girls. Abby used to stuff her mouth and her OT suggested that we use this to give her input before she ate. It did a great job at minimizing stuffing and creating feeding awareness. Grace avoided certain textures so we tried this before she ate things she usually avoided. It helped us get her to eat yogurt and smoothies, but she still won't eat anything with lumps like oatmeal. 

Chewy Necklaces: At nine years old I still often find Abby wearing one of her many chewy necklaces. They beat the heck out of fingernails or sleeves for kids who look for input by chewing.  

Chewy Tubes: In that same vain we have an entire bin (I kid you not, a bin) of various chewy tubes that have been collected over the years. Abby's absolute favorite are the P's and Q's, probably because I can attach them to a necklace.  They are inexperience and can be thrown in the dishwasher to keep clean. 

Raising A Sensory Smart Child: This book was just about heaven-sent to a Mom who had never heard of SPD before the day both of her kids were diagnosed with it. There is a book and a cool guide to activities, both of which I loved and used frequently. I highly recommend you invest in both!

Weighted Blankets: Abby has always been a terrible sleeper. When her OT suggested a weighted blanket it almost sounded like a form of child abuse. Little did I know this well known sensory secret is a must for sensory kids who struggle to sleep. Both girls used them from about 3 until 6. Abby continued to use hers until she outgrew it last year. That being said I am considering buying a larger one for her to use now. 

Please excuse the shameless Amazon plug here, but that is truly where we ordered all of our sensory products. There are some great companies out there selling awesome products but when buying for two kids with two different kinds of needs Amazon fit our budget. 

Grace the Athlete Versus Grace the Girl

Grace is athletic. To people who follow me on Instagram or Facebook you probably are well aware of that. You are also probably very aware that I am a very proud sports Mom. In our town sports are everything. I don't think this is something unique to us, but I don't really know. There are a lot of politics and it often impacts our young athletes. While sports can be a huge asset and character builder in kids, in a town like ours there is an underside.

Grace made the travel basketball squad this year. It is a team of just ten girls who are deemed good enough to compete at this level. It was a HUGE honor for her. She started off the season strong and earned a spot as a starter. Another HUGE honor. She has not had good coaching in basketball so her inexperience showed to some degree on the court. This led to her being unfairly benched. It was ugly and unfair. It killed her self-esteem for a few weeks. After a tricky round of conversations with her coach things are on the upswing.

What all of this brought about for me was the power that sports can have in the lives of kids who view themselves as athletes. I coach more than one sport in our town and I see my job as a coach to first build the kids up and second to teach them a sport. Unfortunately not all of our coaches see it this way. Too often I am watching the goals look more like first, win and second, make sure the status quo of politics is in order. It's sometimes tough to watch.

I am partly writing this as a catharsis opportunity for myself, but also because I am sure there are a million Grace's out there who see themselves as athletes. A large part of their identity, and therefore self-esteem is tied into her sports. It's nothing something we taught or even encouraged, it's just her. So, now we as parents are tasked to give her the opportunity she needs to succeed in sports so she can develop a positive self-view. Those of us who were given athletically gifted kids to foster this in them. It's part of their development. And even more importantly, those of us who coach must remember that we are training not just athletes, but developing children.

Change in the wind

Throughout the summer I have had the opportunity to do a little introspective searching. I have worked less which has led me to think more. I've had time to think about what I want out of life, what is my next step, there do I see my forties taking me. Most importantly, what path do I want to forge down next?

I'm not really sure if it's something like an early mid-life crisis or just restlessness but I don't think I have ever craved change the way I do right now. I have gone through most of my adult life applying the motto "change is overrated." If things stay the same then they really can't be all that bad. Change equated to me as something I had to overcome and deal with. I saw even the slightest adjustments to my routine as a tiny bit of terror.  

Life the shift of winds I couldn't feel more different. Out of nowhere, like being hit by a truck, the same old, same old suddenly seems stifling. Going about the daily routine, which has always been something that sustained me, feels like suffocation. The most odd part of this new feeling is that it doesn't feel like a bad thing. It isn't the case of being sick of my kids or my marriage or my life. It's quite the opposite. This new feeling strikes me more like growth and revolution. It feels like a new outlook that allows for adventure and new things.

I'm not really sure how and why this strange shift is occuring but it feels like progress I didn't know I needed. I just hope that positive change is on the horizon waiting for me to grab it. New opportunities, new scenery, newness. I guess it's never too late to change the way you see your life.

My Shiny New Website

For anyone interested in hiring a very talented web developer, you can see the latest work of my very talented husband on my new website. There are some definiely perks to marrying someone so web savvy. 

Parenting in a world of tragedy

One of the biggest challenges I face as a mother in 2016 is the level of chaos and terror that I cannot protect my children from. When the kids see a news story of a devastating earthquake, tornado or hurricane I can say with a fair amount of confidence, "don't worry kids, we live in New Jersey and these things just don't happen here."It's possible but when I tell them this it is the reality. What do I tell them when people blow up buildings full of innocent people are shoot entire night clubs full of people doing absolutely nothing wrong. 

It is a challenge we all face collectively. We can't shield them from it because they are going to hear on the bus or the playground. In a class full of 20 kids you better believe that half have already heard it. So, how do you explain these atrocities to an eight year old? I don't have a solid answer to this question so I have a few guiding principles. 1. Only answer what they ask. 2. Be honest and direct, shielding them from the truth will bite you in the end. 3. Allow them to be scared and upset and help them understand that although the world is scary it is our job to live our lives every single day. 

I'd like to think it was easier to parent 50 years ago when war was something a million miles away. I'd like to think that in the past kids were better off not being bombarded with stories of death and hate. Unfortunately that doesn't help the moms and dads of today. It's our jobs to ban together and help make our own part of the world a little safer. 

They're listening

Jack has always been a big fan of the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, in fact I am fairly certain he is considered an honorary member. Part of the reason I am a fan of the Disney Channel is not the constant bombardment of the Disney brand (which I do love) is that they try to use the old fashioned PSA to encourage kids to do good.

One of their promotions is something called "The Power of Doing Good." It is a segment where they highlight a child who is doing something proactive in their community to help people, the environment, animals, or another cause. A nice idea, right?

Last week we finally had some nice, warm weather and sadly Jack and I were cooped up in the house, me working and him watching the tube and playing. I took out the dog to soak up five minutes of sunshine and when I came back in I found Jack rummaging through his toy bin. I asked what he was doing, to which he responded simply, "looking for my grabber for the power of doing good." I was a little puzzled what he meant when it hit me that one of the segments was of a little boy collecting garbage on the beach with his grabber and throwing it away. I smiled, helped him find his grabber and off we went.

So for ten minutes, in the middle of the day, my four-year-old helped in the power of doing good. Such an amazing reminder that although they're listening every time a curse passes our lips, we glance at our phones while driving or gossip about a neighbor... they're also listening to the good in the world. Sometimes I am frightened by what is blaring from the television, what comes out of the mouths of my children's friends and what messages are bombarding my kids. I can't control it, I can't stop it, I'm not even sure that I can balance it out. Then something like a simple PSA reaching a four year old in the middle of the day reminds me that there is *some* good and kind things influencing my kids. That might be enough to help me win the balancing act and raise kids who are kind and caring. Amen to that!



About this blog

Over 8 years we have struggled through 3 IUI's, 6 rounds of IVF, several RE's, hundreds of appointments and the loss of three little angels. Now we find ourselves the proud parents of two perfect little girls and a wonderful little boy!!

Both of our girls struggle with some disabilities but that won't keep us down. Each day has it's own brand of insanity but we love it. Most days I am more monkey wrangler than mother but I do the best I can. Todays goal - getting to tomorrow.

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