Unfortunately the cramps have persisted all day today. They are pretty strong and feel like the witch is right around the corner. Could this mean another failed cycle. What the hell did I do to deserve this. I know that "lots of people have cramps when they are pregnant" and "I am not out yet." I have said all those things to people before, but how likely is it. How many times am I supposed to go through all this.
I wish I knew what it meant, I really do. I really need to get this damned crystal ball fixed... ;)
I really truly hope this is the beginning of the beginning for you... I had such bad cramping when I got pg. I remember when I told my co-workers I was pg, they were like "weren't you just complaining about your cramps the other day? WTH?" I know you know, but I thought maybe a little more reassurance might help.
We're keeping everything crossed (I'd cross my eyes if I knew how) for you, dear.
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