I am trying very hard to look forward, so I can remind myself that at some point in the future I will feel like taking the next step. I am trying to remember that whole put one foot in front of the other thing. Where do we go from here? We are not quitters, so I guess we get back on the horse. The thought of going through IVF again is so painful. We were finally out of that world and now I have been catapulted back into it.
I guess our next step is to get back on the donor list and go through IVF while donating half my eggs. It makes it cheaper (especially since we drained all our savings on the last two rounds and hit up everyone we know already) and Lord knows I could use all the good karma I can get. The problem is that it will involves months of more waiting. Do I have it in me to wait another God knows how many months? I just don't know.
Decisions don't need to be made overnight. I know that doesn't make the wait any shorter but right now you just need to take some time and heal. That's the first step. Once your head is clearer you can make some choices.
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