So, today I was at work, giving a lecture like I normally do. We got on the topic of insomnia and I disclosed that I suffer from chronic insomnia. It is not unusual for me to only get 4 or 5 hours of sleep on any given night, sometimes less. So, right on cue one of my students asks, "Well, do you have kids?" I say no and I get a litany of like twelve students saying "oh, when you have kids you'll sleep like a baby" and "you'll take any chance to sleep once you have kids." Of course I smiled and laughed, but on the inside I felt like yelling "Yes, you are all so right. I am so well rested cause I spend all my free time napping. It's not like I spend at least four freaking days each week at the doctors office. And I'm not spending as much of my free time as possible helping raise kids that aren't mine."
I know that they have no idea what my life is like and I wouldn't tell them. It just sucks having people ask all the time whether or not I have kids and when they hear "no" they just assume that my life is a big friggin picnic. Frustrating...
When people would ask if we had kids, and I knew that I'd be in for a tirade of questions if I just said no, I began answering "no, but not by choice". It usually confused them enough to shut them up. And the ones that got it felt sheepish for asking.
I'm sorry you had a rough day in front of class yesterday. Sounds like you handled it as well as you could.
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