A lot of us women who go through infertility treatments will often get the question 'do you have a feeling about this cycle'? I know that I hear it several times a cycle. (It is right up there with the question "how is the baby thing?") It is one of those loaded questions that I don't have a frickin clue how to answer. How does one know if they feel pregnant? I guess this cycle I have been quite optimistic. I started getting cramps around implantation time and they have not gone away. I had that symptom the last time I was pregnant. I have also had heartburn and exhaustion, like the few weeks I was pregnant before. So does that lend to a good answer to that question? In my opinion, no.
So for those of you who want to know, my feeling on this cycle is... we'll all know in a few days. So screw feelings. :>)
Screw feelings...bring on the beta!
Well af showed for me today so I want you to bring it home girl!! Wishing you all the luck.
Yeah, screw feelings, bring ont the beta. I would have PIS at least once by now.....
10DPO might be late enough to tell...
Fingers and toes crossed. I am so hopeful for you.
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