I went this am for yet another round of b/w and u/s. Here is what the u/s showed:
Right Ovary: 13.3, 14.3, 14, 10, 11, 11.6mm
Left Ovary: 15, 2<10, 3<6mm
So, we have 12 follies total. At this point in my first IVF I had 13, so it looks like I am right on track. I am patiently waiting for my callback with my blood results. I am hoping they will have me stim for a few more days so I have time to develop as many mature eggies as possible.
Updated to add:
I got my callback and everything is going well. My E2 was 572, Prog. 0.7, LH 3 and FSH 11. So they are upping my Bravelle to 2 amps. I am keeping the Menopur at 2 amps and 5 units of Lupron. I go back for u/s and b/w on Friday morning. So that means I will not be at ER by the weekend, which is a relief. This way I will have plenty of time to keep growing these follies.
Glad to hear about the # of follies. Best part of this cycle is that you don't have to give 1/2 to someone else! They all belong to you.
You said it sister!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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