So, today was the big ultrasound to find out how many pumpkins decided to stick around. Almost the whole family had a really good feeling that we would be having twins. With such high numbers it seemed like a high likelihood. I went this morning for an 11:30 ultrasound. I was a little nervous but very excited to meet my little one.
I just so happened to get my very favorite u/s tech who I get along with very well. She starts the u/s and immediately turns the screen towards me. She asked me what I saw. I saw 2 black blobs. I looked at her and said "is that what I think it is?" She says yes. It is twins. I was very excited, and not terribly surprised.
At that point she is continuing to take measurements because I had hyper-stimmed during my IVF cycle. She jokingly explains that in a small number of cases they will later find an embryo that implanted that didn't show up at first. I nervously laugh at the thought of more than 2 babies. That is when the earth stopped spinning for a minute. She looks at me and says "I am about to blow you away." She turns the screen back towards me and I now see two big black blobs and a third smaller blob. At this point I think I am going to pass out. She tells me that all three stuck and we are having triplets.
I wait in the waiting room to talk to the doc for what seems like hours. My hands are shaking, my face is red, I am sweating. The nurse takes my BP which is ridiculously high. The nurse then brings me in to see the doc. She smiles and says to me "you must shocked."
She discussed the possibility of spontaneous reduction. My body might decide it cannot handle three babies. But either way they are going to send me to a hgih risk OB after we hear the heartbeats next week. She explained that I should expect to get to 32 weeks with trips or 36 weeks with twins. I should also anticipated a C-section.
They saw both gestational sacs and yolk sacs on all three babies. I go next week to have another u/s and find out how many heartbeats we have. Needless to say I am stunned right now.
Oh My!!!
I have tears of joy for you while reading your post. I think that's absolutely amazing!!!!
You must be just so thrilled!!!
I have no other words, I'm just completed thrilled for you!!!!
Wow! Congratulations!!!!!!
Oh my Goodness! Congrats are in order!!! Your Somday will be soon enough. :) Grins from ear to ear!!
Haha! That's what I was thinking - you're going to have to change the name of your blog now! ;-)
Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you! :-D
I said to myself on Sunday - that girl is having triplets - amazing - well done. Take care of yourself.
ahhhhhhhhh!!! i'm excited beyond words!!! congrats, love!! :-D
so many new relatives to corrupt!!
Wow - that's all I can say. I am so speechless. Triplets!
OMG!!! I don't think I took a breath the entire time I was reading that post. Amazing, wonderful, a little scary I'm sure. I'm so so so very happy for you. Only your body knows what it can handle, but if anyone could handle trips, I think it's you and B!
I am so excited for you! I'm sure it's scary, but a lot of people do it and I'm sure you'll be just fine. :)
WOW, triplets. I don't know anything about having multiples, but I DO know about surviving a high risk pregnancy, c/s, and NICU stay.
You can do this. It will be a very hard road, but you can do this.
I'd worry about when they are all 11, out number you and your DH, and all want something, or gang up on you.
Everyone is pregnant!!! Just found out 2 of my cousins are also pregnant. Must be the water.
A little late to the game, but congratulations and wow... just wow.
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