Your baby now weighs about 4.4 lbs (2000g) and measures about 12 inches (30cm) from crown to rump and about 19.4 inches (43cm) in total.
Now that your baby is running out of room in your womb, you can probably see your belly moving as your baby kicks.
Your baby may dream as he sleeps and when awake he may be alert, listening, feeling and even seeing dim shapes.
Though your baby is still inside the womb, he is learning all the time as billions of neurons are making connections.
Your baby is probably in his birth position by now.
Your baby's lungs may be sufficiently developed by now, though if he were born now, he would probably still need an incubator to stay warm.
My Update:
So far things are still going very well. I am still on my feet and getting around ok. This weekend I went to the beach and walked the boardwalk for a couple of hours! Nights are rough between the Restless Leg in the evening (which sucks!!!) and not sleeping well at night I am a little grumpy at night. My hips have started to ache and my back is hurting again. I guess all the extra weight is catching up with me. I have gained about 35 pounds as of last week so we will see where I weigh in during this weeks OB appointment.
I start my weekly OB appointments and weekly Non-Stress Tests this week. I have been having lots of contractions, so it will be good to see how the girls are handling everything. I feel about as big as a house these days. I have a hard time fitting into clothes, but I still get dressed every day and refuse to go out in public in sweats. For all the things that can go wrong or cause problems in a twin pregnancy I consider myself very, very lucky. I just hope I can keep it up. :>)
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