I had another NST and BPP this afternoon at noon. After over three hours I was not able to officially pass the NST (non-stress test) or BPP (Bio-Physical Profile). Neithe baby stayed on the monitor during the NST because they were kicking and moving. So after 40 minutes of tryig they put me on the ultrasound to try to do the NST. The fluid was fine, movement was there and tone was good. As soon as they needed the girls to do their practice breaths, they fell asleep. They gave me juice (even though I have GD) and it did't help. Grace got an 8/10 and Abby only a 6/10. Abby does not want to do her practice breaths so they can't pass me. So tomorrow we have to go to L&D in the morning for another BPP. The peri will be there to oversee and make sure that everything goes ok.
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