It has been a while since I gave a general update, so here goes:
Gracie - Well our little princess is making huge strides these days. She is rolling from belly to back (although, like her sister hates to be on her belly) very regularly. She loves to sit up with a little help and even likes to stand with someone to balance her. She doesn't seem very close to crawling but looks like she won't be too far away from pulling herself up and standing. She isn't eating great but has been gaining weight okay. She really is the happiest (and loudest) child around. She is as pleasant as a baby can be about 90% of the time. Unfortunately the 10% of the time that she is mad... BOY IS SHE MAD! The kid has a set of pipes like I have never heard. Thank goodness she is mostly happy. She is sleeping well (usually from 9:30pm til about 7 or 8am) eating reasonably well (3-6 ounces 5 times a day) and playing lots. Her "BFF" by far and away is Genna, man does she love that girl. She also gets a real kick out of Will and Jordan. She is an absolute joy.
Just visited your blog. . .for about 2 hours! Couldn't pull myself away. Your blog reads like a book :) so interesting and entertaining and funny. Your story gives me great hope. Your daughters are simply GORGEOUS! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
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