Thanks again to everyone for their support and prayers. It has been tough having to put Abby through this but she is doing wonderfully. She did catch her sisters cold so she is dealing with teething, recovery and a cold. Yesterday she started seeming more like herself. Her eyes are very straight although very red on the inside. The white part is blood red. Her left eye occasionally turns in which the surgeon said could happen for a while as she adjusts to the change in her muscles. We go back next week to talk about how she is doing and if the glasses can stay off.
Gracie is finally getting over her cold. Her nose is still runny and she has a cough. I managed to catch the cold and it is a very nasty cold. I have felt like crap since Saturday. Brian went back to work today and we are starting to get back into our routine. Feels good to have the surgery over with.
I am so glad she is doing so well. She is such a beautiful little girl. You must be so thrilled :)
(as an aside, I have been denied access to Fertility Friend for the second time in a few weeks, this time because of a PM between redvelvet and I. If you can discretely (without getting yourself in trouble) tell the rest of the gals in our group that I said goodbye, as I won't be granted access back again, I am sure. I told them off this time.)
Oh, and I should mention this is Wendy...I think you know that?
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