Luckily Gracie woke up with her eyes looking perfect... perhaps the pink eye was not really pink eye or perhaps Neomycin is a miracle drug. Either way I am happy. Today we noticed that Gracie had cut a top front tooth, hence the fever. So for two babies we are up to a tooth count of 9. I have to say though that this teething stuff is for the birds. I never gave teething a lot of thought until now. I know when I have bad tooth pain I feel like I am on deaths doorstep. These poor little creatures suffer from tooth pain on an almost constant basis and our docs are telling us that they will be fine just give Tylenol on occasion. I know that if I had teeth breaking through my sore gums and you tried to only give me Tylenol I would want to punch someone.
I just wish there was more I could do for the poor little things.
Delurking to tell you to hang in there. Teething was bad for us at times, and I found that Motrin worked the best for us. Tylenol barely touched the pain. We've also tried the Hyland Teething Drops along with the Motrin (totally safe), and that also helped with the really bad pain. Hope everybody gets some relief soon!
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