The girls finally had their appointment today. Overall it was close to a waste of time. Every question I asked the doctor or issue I brought up was brushed aside. It's as if they know we see so many specialists so they are very satisfied with shifting the responsibilities to someone else. It does kind of piss me off to no end though. Isn't their job to be the one who collects and oversees the information as a whole. A specialist only looks at their particular piece of the puzzle but not the whole thing. Makes me wish someone was.
So the issues that got ignored were Abby's very small stature, The girls both having on and off diarrhea for the past 6+ months, Gracie's diagnosis of SID and speech delays and Abby's RS diagnosis. The girls got looked at, listened to, poked with the needle to vaccinate against Hep A and sent on our merry way. Thankfully they were fairly well behaved (well except Gracie getting so stirred up she was ripping the paper on the bed, standing on chairs and trying to bite me) and hardly cried after shots.
Here are their 25 month stats:
Height - 33 1/2 inches - 35th percentile
Weight - 25 pounds 4 ounces - 25th percentile
Definite progress!!
Height - 31.2 inches - 3rd percentile
Weight - 22 pounds 5 ounces - 1st percentile
And, as usual... not so much progress.
Hi Kristen,
I love reading your blog, you are so REAL and honest about your adorable children and your day to day life. The good, bad and ugly! I LLOVE it!
I am so sorry I have not commented sooner, my friend sent me your blog some time ago and I was so mixed up with my son's issues that I could not think past the tip of my nose.
I did go back and read your blog from the beginning so I think I have a pretty good handle of how things are started and where you are now with Abby and Gracie, who by the was are just so adorable.
You are welcome to check out our blog, although I have been terrible about updating it lately. I really must get better.
A little about us, I am a single mom to an adorable little 2.5 boy who I adopted from Kaz at 9 months old. He has been home 20 months now. He is the light of my life and I just cherish him to pieces. Henry has Apraxia which is a speech disorder. He did not utter a sound till 14 months and did not say mama till 20 months. He gets ST 4x a week (2x through BT3 and 2x private). He is finally talking some now but he is still at a 15/16 month verbal level. He has come so far but it has not been easy for either of us. There was a point around his 2nd birthday that I thought I was really going to just fall apart. I think you get that. So much anger, sadness, lose ect. But, I said, this is it and I need to make the best of it and move forward. Thank G_D for my friends and family they have been my rock through this very rough storm that seems to finally be settling down.
Thanks again for sharing your life so openly, I really enjoy your blog, it always puts a smile on my face.
Thanks so much Carolyn! A very good friend of the family has apraxia and didn't utter a clear word until almost 3. Once he got into intensive ST he started speaking better and better. Now he is 11 and I can completely understand every word he says. He plays quarterback during football season, wrestles, makes good grades and is generally a nice boy. I am sure your son will do amazing with all the extra therapy you are getting for him!
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