A couple of days ago Abby had a three fall day. Many days are measured in Abbys world by how many times she falls and hits her head... and almost always in the same exact spot. Sometimes they are small, while others are big falls. The kind of falls some parents would take their kid to the ER for. Unfortunately if we went to the ER every time she fell off something on to her head we would be there almost daily. Might make us sound like bad parents but a kid who now loves to climb and a kid with RS are a very bad combination.
So the other day she started her day falling off the sofa onto her head. Not awful but left a little bruise. Later in the day we were outside playing with the water table and I heard the unmistakable sound of head meeting concrete. (As a mom of a special needs kid with motor issues I could hear tapes of kids falling and know what hit what.) She came up with a bloody head with a big bruise. Now she looked like the founding member of a fight club. Later that day we went to Rita's for water ice and she fell off a bench directly onto the pavement on her head. That left an egg that protruded about a half an inch. Now she looked like freaking Tyler Durden (best movie ever btw).
It's not easy for her. She handles it amazingly for a two year old but the kid lives with a non-stop headache. She won't wear a helmet. She won't stop climbing. No matter how we child-proof the two of them find a way around it. I have dreams where she falls and I hear bones snap. I pray every day that when (not if, but when) she breaks something that it is only a toe, or a finger or maybe even an arm. Just please, God, not a leg or worse. It's scary. For her and for us. I can't watch her every single second but I wish I had a clone who could do that job. How do we juggle not being that annoying parent who follows their kid like a hawk on the playground but also not allowing her to get hurt. Sucks sometimes.
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