A very good friend of mine recently found out she was pregnant. After more than 5 years of trying, loss (including m/c and losing her Mother and MIL to cancer) the girl has had more than her fair share is loss and pain. So after a successful IUI she became pregnant and her numbers looked great. I was over the moon for her. There is no one in the world I have been rooting for more than her to become pregnant. The fact that she and my (undeserving) sister were the same exact amount of weeks and days pregnant was good for me. I could focus on my friend and not my sister. She had her first u/s and things looked a little behind. Her second showed that things might be catching up. Her third was today (as was my sisters) and it showed that no baby had grown. This sends chills up and down my being as I went through this exact same experience almost three years ago.
You can mirror this with my sister who is taking tons of medications, smoking and generally has not earned the right to be a mother again who had a perfect u/s. Everything is on track, baby looks fine.
Where is the justice in that. How can you find any equity when good people go childless and bad people get rewarded with child after child after child. It makes me sick. It makes my head hurt.
Please do me a favor. If you're a praying person... pray for my friend. She needs some good in her life.
Sending prayers to her via you.
Prayers and thoughts for your friend. Life can be so unfair.
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