It seems like every time I think we are finally ending the chapter labeled "The Terrible Twos" we manage to plunge into a much lower and deeper state of terrible. First and foremost Abby is NOT sleeping. Not well at night. Terrible naps. Generally speaking no one in this house is sleeping well.
In addition, this week I have been bitten (twice), peed on, hit, kicked, punched, my hair pulled and a myriad of other disastrous accounts. The problem with having two two-year-olds is that they know you are outnumbered. They have managed the distract and destroy method like seasoned military veterans. Their ability to think at an adult level is mind boggling when they want something. Ask them to behave or pick up toys and they look at me as if they do not understand past the vocabulary of a six month old.
This week I have cried, cursed, thrown things and wanted to spank my kids numerous times. I am thankful this week is drawing to a close but the weekends just provide my children opportunities to practice their divide and conquer strategies.
Can you hand them off to Brian for a few hours this weekend and go get a mani/pedi to unwind? :-) *HUGS*
My oh my. I hope you have a good weekend, and next week is a better one!!
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