Probably the most annoying part of being a mom of two-year-old twins is the FIGHTING. It is non-stop and it is annoying. They fight over everything. If we have one of something they invariably want the same thing at the same time. If we have two, they want both. I finally got on tape the thing that has been plaguing me. Abby loves the boundy zebra we have. She bounces and bounces and bounces. Gracie has realized that if she bothers Abby while she's on the zebra it makes her nuts. Abby used to scream and yell but she is getting much more clever in her approach... including trying to bribe Grace and taking her favorite toys. If it wasn't so annoying it might just be funny.
P.S. Watch the look on Abby's face when she is standing in the playhouse watching Gracie... hysterical! The kid has so much patience it's amazing.
Those cups at the end, those are Gracie's favorite. Sneaky little devil!
That is too funny! Abby is definitely a lot more patient than I ever was, haha
Abby had so much patience and was so cunning! She tried to lure Grace away from the zebra so carefully! It was too cute when she almost got around Grace but turned around to close the playhouse door like a good girl!
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