As a part of the prep for our 6 month EI review tomorrow we had to do some assessments and paperwork for each of the girls. One of the telling pieces of that process is when they give me the age equivalents of where the girls are at. While I realize there isn't an exact science to it I always find that number to be very interesting. We didn't do ages for OT since we missed last week (our OT was away) but that number is less relevant anyway. For Gracie her receptive speech is between 22 and 24 months, which sounds about right. Her expressive speech is around 18 months. That puts her about 9 months behind... a little depressing but about right. Abby's gross motor skills came in at a very depressing 15 months. I know that number is right nut knowing she is A YEAR BEHIND where she should be is hard to digest. This plateau she has hit has been a long one. I just hope that something can come out of this meeting so the gap doesn't keep getting wider and wider.
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