So I took Gracie for her yearly flu shot last week. We go to the pediatrician for hers and like a responsible parent I stayed on top of things making early appointments knowing shortages would be inevitable. Abby is allergic to eggs so she has to go to her allergist for a flu shot and later in the winter a booster shot. Well as is typical for us nothing can be simple. Abby has a cold. Usually they will give a flu shot with a simple cold (runny nose or sneezing) but because she has moderate asthma she coughs when she gets a cold... ALWAYS. Not a little cough but a hacking cough. I called today to check what I needed to do (why bother driving into center city if she can't get it) and they said that a cough is a red flag they look for as a reaction (kids with egg allergies get a shot and have to be monitored for an hour to check for reactions) so no dice. When I asked if we could schedule for next week she told me they were out of flu shots. I was polite but reminded her that I was due to be in tomorrow morning so I know they have SOME. She told me that any appointment before Nov. has shots but not after. So I asked for a nurses visit for the shot next week. She then told me all the appointments were taken.
I know I probably sound like I am justifying here (and maybe I am) but there used to be a system where shots were set aside for medically needy children. Why is this not the case. Of all the people in our house who need a flu shot it is the FTT, RS, Asthmatic who has had RSV and gets sick at least 5 times a winter that needs it. But no. We have to call sometime in November to see about getting one. It pisses me off beyond belief. And it's not like other people who can just call the pedi and get on the waiting list. She HAS to get her shot at the allergist.
AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate cold and flu season!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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