We had ANOTHER night this week with awful night terrors. Poor Abby was up every 45 minutes to an hour all night long from about 11pm. Then at around 3 she had a full on night terror. It is scary. Even when you know what you are looking at it scares the heck out of you. Your kid, not really there, moaning and whining and crying. They are inconsolable. You can't wake them. It just scares you half to death. So after about 3 hours sleep that night and terrible sleep the rest of the week we are all exhausted... except Brian who manages to sleep through regardless of the noise level. ;D Must be nice...
That is scary :-(
Must be a Fescoe gene b/c Chris can sleep through anything too. My favorite is after I've been up all night with a screaming Linc and in the morning Chris rolls over and says, "Well, he slept through the night again. That's great." The baby monitor is on the bed side table...how can he possibly sleep through that?!
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