In the book I talked about earlier, The Out of Sync Kid Has Fun, I read about this awesome strategy to deal with full blown meltdowns: holding up the wall. This is a strategy I use mostly with Gracie for her tantrums but Abby usually likes to join in just for fun.
When Gracie goes into "meltdown mode" I say (or shout if we're at home and it is appropriate) "the wall is falling, quick help me hold it up". We then run to the nearest wall and "hold it up". We push with our arms, legs, feet, backs, bums, heads or whatever body part we can think of. We push and hold and press until the tantrum has subsided. It doesn't always work but it can be a lifesaver.
I have used this several times in public and I do get some very weird looks from people. What I have learned through experience is that people might look at you weird when you and your children are holding up a wall but they will give you a much nastier look when your kid is screaming and rolling on the floor in Target.
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