We made it! We survived our first week of school! I wish the report was that I had a stress free, three hours a day without kids revelry week, but I didn't. It was extremely stressful for all of us. Luckily as the week went on the stress got a little lighter. Today was a good day. Almost no tears at home. They got on the bus without that deer in headlights look. They came home happy to have two days off and I can't believe I'm saying it but I am SO GLAD they will be with me for 48 hours straight. :D I missed them. I am sure that part will wear off but I did.
As I waited today at the bus stop on a very beautiful day I smiled to myself how far we have come. From bad news from doctors and questionable futures to very smart little girls who go to school.
I brought my camera to pass my ten minute wait (yes, I am still neurotic about not being there when the bus pulls up so I go early). Here is how I passed the time.
But this is why I really brought my camera!
Monday will be hard. After two days off we are definitely going to back slide. I think after this week I am prepared.
That's just awesome, so see them smiling, getting off the bus. Such big girls!! I'm so proud of them, and you!! :)
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