All of us are exhausted. None of us get enough sleep. We put frick and frack to bed at 8:30 or 9 and one or the other will invariably be up (in their room) until at least 10. By about 9:30 I have had enough and want to go in and scream at them. They are both so sleep deprived lately with the school schedule but they fight sleep like it's a disease. It feels like a no win.
Then Brian is trying to do as much freelance work as possible. Between medical bills, a new car, surgery bills for me upcoming... it feels like every penny counts. He is the type of person who needs minimally 8 hours a night and is getting nowhere near that.
Then theres me. I never get enough sleep... mom of twins, a mountain of work and insomnia are a deadly trio. My hand is slowing me down big time. Everything takes me double time (even this dang post) so I am up even later than my usual 12 or 1 am to keep up with laundry, dishes, cleaning and work. It is simply exhausting!
I know this sounds counter-intuitive, but have you tried putting them down earlier? For us, when KT is super tired she's hard to get to sleep at night.
I wish I was closer (or filthy rich) so I could help with some of your workload!
M- I like that filthy rich idea. :D I think you might be right though. Maybe we need to try backing up bedtime a little bit. Thanks for the thought... I know I should know it but when you are in it it ends up lost. :D I know you know what I mean!
Oh man. This sucks. What an awful snowball of events and timing.
I thought the same thing about putting them to bed earlier. It has worked for us in the past, too.
I also wish we either lived closer to help or had gobs of money to hire an assistant for you. What a poopy situation.
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