Day 20-Nicknames
I am not sure which direction I am supposed to take this one so this may be one random, jumbled up post. :D
My family is very big on nicknames. We almost never call or are called our actual name. It is just more fun to make things up. I started life as Kristen but I have been called Kricker, Kricket, Krick, Kris, Krissi, Piglet and Scart at some point or another. All of my siblings had their own laundry list of names. Genevieve has been Genna, Gen, Bucky, Spot, Ginger, Hanna Leigh and a few others. William has been Will, Willy, Big Willy, Woowee, Will-will, The Fresh Prince and more and more. Jordan has been JJ, Jordy, J Man, Fatty and more.
Then there are my kiddos. Abigail is Abby, Apple, Abber, Tiny, Princess, Coco, Appletini, Noodle and a few select others. Grace is Gigi, Fluffy, Geeger, Princess, Gigi Megee, Poodle, Big and more.
Sometimes I feel a little bad that I call my kids these goofy names (and then some) but it's fun and I guess we do what we know. :D
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