We like to try to "clump" our annual appointments into the span of a couple months. The theory is that the remaining 10 months of the year we don't feel like we are living at a doctors office. We spent three years doing that and it caused too much stress for all of us. So I came up with this plan to get all of our "planned" appointments done in February and March (when possible). It is good in theory but in practice it sucks. Those two months we feel like we do nothing but go to a doctor.
So far in the past two months we have been to allergy, ophthalmology, neurogenetics, neurology, OT, PT, Gastro, allergy (for other child), flu shot booster, General Peds and genetics. I feel like I am missing a couple in there. We still have an allergy follow up, GI follow up and a couple of lingering tests awaiting us in the next month or so.
I keep telling myself that we are getting it all out of the way now. That anytime soon we'll click our heels and be done with doctors. I know it is wishful thinking but something has got to keep us going. :D
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