It looks like I am in one of those wonderful vivid dream cycles. I am a vivid dreamer. When I have a vivid dream I remember it for days and days... the feeling, the emotion, all of it. I have the rare fortune that the vast majority of my vivid dreams are wonderful dreams. I know a lot of vivid dreamers tend to have vivid nightmares which I can imagine must be terrible.
Last night I dreamt this wonderful dream. One of those dreams where people aren't who they look like but you KNOW who they are and why they are there. I had one of those dreams (which I think all people must have) where some person who looks like someone else but you know is the person you love is madly in love with you. For me those dreams are always in the very first stages of love where it is new and exciting and fun. In last nights dream my "mystery man" who I knew was my husband was telling me that I was his "person" and we were meant to be together.
I think maybe we are "gifted" these dreams to help us remember what love was like when it was shiny and new. I have been in love with my husband for 16 years and married to him for almost 12. It's a little hard to remember the shiny days on a stress filled Wednesday when the kids are yelling and dinner isn't cooking itself.
I love those dreams.
So now I have had the pregnancy dream and the passionate falling in love dream. Maybe tonight I will be incredibly wealthy. :D
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