As we get close enough to start counting down to another IVF cycle (can't believe it's going to be our FIFTH!) I am a bag of mixed emotions. In the more rare moments I find myself a little panicked. Where will the "new baby" sleep? Will another child stretch our budget too far? Can I do the sleepless night all over again? Will a baby brother or sister be a good thing for the girls? And the big one... the "what if"... another set of twins... AHH!!!
That being said most of the time I find myself so excited at the thought of being a Mom to another baby. Having another little person running around here. Another chance to watch a little person grow and learn. The most difficult and rewarding thing I have ever done is be a Mom to my girls.
There are other times I feel a little impatient at all the waiting. It's not like it was before the girls but the IVF process is chock full of waiting and timing and tests and planning. That part of the process sucks.
We're under a month away now. That's when we hand over our tickets and get back on the roller coaster. I am not sure what is in store for us but I know that we're ready for the ride.
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