Part of the IVF process (at least from the transfer until your beta) is restrictions. The research is fairly mixed on whether or not any bed rest should be required following a transfer. While our clinic doesn't require it they strongly recommend it. They feel that if it increases your chances by 5% then that's 5% more of a likelihood of it working. So the way it works is you go to your transfer (I'll go into detail about that later), you have your embryo(s) transferred, you lie still for a half an hour following the procedure then you are released to go home. At that point you are asked to adhere to complete bed rest (except bathroom) for that day. The following day you are to remain on bed rest with the exception of meals, bathroom and a warm shower.
Once you complete the bed rest you can be active again with some restrictions. Before I had kids the restrictions were easy. With kids, not as much. From transfer to beta you are not allowed to bend from the waist, lift more than 15 pounds, exercise vigorously, have sex or raise your body temp too high. It's only two weeks but think about every time you lift your kid into the car or grab a sock off the floor or carry the laundry basket downstairs. It could make for a long two weeks. :D
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