I heard back from the nurse and I got a little more overall clarification. My numbers are still slow to rise:
HCG - 67, 567 (doubling time of 5.4 days)
Progesterone - 24
E2 - 802
Here is the troubling part. Baby A is measuring 16mm (7.9 weeks) but the sac is measuring only 20mm (6.8 weeks). Baby B is measuring 14mm (7.6 weeks) but that sac is measuring only 18mm (6.6 weeks). The scary thing is that when the Gestational Sac measures less than 5mm larger than the CRL (crown to rump length) the rate of "spontaneous abortion" is 90%. So WTF? The nurse didn't mention anything. Just apologized a million times. Upped almost all my meds and added an antibiotic to try to increase levels. She NEVER mentioned the rate of loss (I happened to have read that myself in the past).
I tried calling but of course they are closed. I guess I'll call tomorrow and try to figure out what the heck is going on. But as of right now it looks like we are dealing with two cases of small gestational sac syndrome. : (
Ugh...I'm sorry. I'm definitely hoping for the best for you. :( Sometimes knowing as much as we do feels like too much.
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