Yesterday was my 32 week visit with the OB. So far everything looks good. My blood pressure is close to borderline but not rising right now. The OB was very happy about that. I am measuring just under 33 weeks and I am 32 1/2 weeks so that's perfect. At this point with the girls I was measuring well past 40 weeks.
We talked a while about the c-section, pain meds afterward, scheduling, etc. It felt so weird to be getting down to the nitty gritty. Feels so close now. I am so excited but it does freak me out for brief moments here and there. :D
I am now going to the OB every two weeks and I start my non stress tests. Next week I go back to the high risk doctor to have a growth scan of baby. Hopefully he is closing in on four pounds. I am hoping to produce a bigger baby than the girls were.
We're making progress on the "nursery". Baby will be sharing a room with the boys when they're here so thankfully the walls are already painted blue. His crib is put together and we're hoping to get closer to done this weekend.
So I guess this whole thing is really real, huh? :D
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