Sorry for the delay in pics and updates. Here is our little man:
Things had been going quite well so far. Jack has been eating and sleeping and a very passive, laud back kiddo. Yesterday he struggled a little with eating and grumpiness after being circumcised. That is to be expected so we just went with it. His biliruben level also went up so he is officially jaundiced.
Brian had previously noticed a spell where his legs and feet turned purple. No one else saw it so they didn't do anything but last night a nurse saw it so there was a whirlwind of activity. NICU and peds checked him and NICU admitted him. They are afraid it could be narrowing in one of the arteries leaving his heart to his extremities. He has lower BP in his legs than arms which is mildly concerning. So far his SATs and pulse have been good.
So after about two hours of crying over the simple fact that he had to go to the NICU (brought back some seriously bad nightmares for us) we had a pretty lousy night. He finally took the breast last night after almost 8 hours of no food. We are now waiting on an echo to check his heart and hopefully figure out what is going on.
Just keep our little man in your prayers!
He's so beautiful!! Will keep him in my prayers!!
Congrats Congrats! He's gorgeous. Hope the blue feet issues resolve as he gets a little "older" and it's just "new to the world" stuff going on.
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