Anyone else on Instagram? It is just about my new favorite things. Being able to snap pictures with my phone means I actually take pictures. I had this stupid fear that I would have hundreds of pictures of the girls as babies and like ten of Jack. Definitely not the case with the iPhone.
Anyway, I have been using Instagram more and more and wanted to see if any of my friends, readers, family, etc. are on so I can follow their feeds. I am not a huge fan of twitter or facebook but instagram cuts away all the fluff that I don't want and just lets you see the beautiful pictures of what is going on with the people you love.
Genna has even gotten me into doing daily photo challenges which I am in love with. Allows me to use a little bit of creativity without taking too much time.
My name is Piglet5432 for anyone interested. :D Leave me a comment if you post so I can follow.
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