He is now officially 11 months... and yes I did *JUST* get those 10 month pictures posted. :D
At 11 months the little guy is moving and grooving. He is pulling up on everything and rolling around like a monkey. Despite the fact that he can basically stand, get himself sitting up and get up on all fours the kid is STILL not really crawling. Lazy boy!
He loves nothing better than playing with his rowdy sisters.
The two of them do an amazing job of spoiling the kid completely rotten. I will not be blamed when he is a spoiled brat. :D
And in case you were wondering... yes, this is what trouble looks like!
Who needs to crawl when you've got big sisters to carry you around. ;)
Not sure why it posted under that account...
Exactly! Crawling is for people without people to spoil them. :D
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