Two weeks ago the girls had their bi annual visit to the allergist. It's one of the many specialist visits we like to knock off during the summer months. Everything with Grace looked good. We have to start her flovent for the remained of the fall. She flares (her asthma) horribly during the spring and fall.
Abby had skin testing and unfortunately her egg and milk reactions were big and ugly again. So no progress there. :( Her tree nut testing was all over the place. Ones that were clear last time showed allergies and vice versa. She was officially cleared for almonds and hazelnut. The pecan testing showed a mild positive reaction but the allergist decided he was ready to do a food challenge for pecans. We lucked out and got a cancellation spot. (The waiting list is 2-3 months long.)
So we had to be at the hospital at 7:15 am last Tuesday morning. She couldn't eat anything but clear liquids after midnight so she was starving but in good spirits.

A food challenge is done at the main hospital on the day medical floor. They have to be under strict supervision in case of a severe allergy. They mix the allergen into something they can eat in increasing doses. We started with 1/8 tsp of ground pecans. The dose doubles every 20 minutes until she either shows symptoms or eats a full ounce with no reaction.
All in all she did great.

The whole test took almost 6 hours so it was an incredibly long day.

We had to stop the challenge one time for mild symptoms but she was able to finish. What I didn't realize is that a skin test will always be the last to show up. So even though her tongue and mouth itched during the test she was able to continue. They are looking for a systemic allergy where either she has hives or is sick to her stomach. She did have stomach pains so when she has pecans over the next few weeks we need to keep an eye on her.
The other odd thing is that if you pass a food challenge you are asked to eat that food 2-3 times a week to continue building and maintaining a tolerance to that food. It doesn't sound like much but it might be a pain to work it in every week. We will do our best.
So next will be blueberry. I am pretty sure she'll fail that one but her allergist is adamant we test her. So for now we wait for a spot.
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