It's been a long winter in New Jersey. I mean, really long. We are accustomed to a couple of snowfalls each year and temperatures that fluctuate from the 20's all the way to occasional 50's. This year we have had a whopping 11 snow storms of note, temperatures mostly in the teens and twenties and snow on the ground almost all winter.
As many of you know I am NOT a winter person. I like our typically mild winters. I am the kind of person who sees snow in the forecast and feels a little sad. I see snow and cold as limitations. They are things that keep me inside and make my kids crazy.
We're trying very hard to take it in stride. We're doing our very best to keep busy and occupied. Some days are successful while others are much less so. With five snow days so far and more delayed openings than I can count I will be one happy Mom when Spring arrives!!!
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