I forever heard about the Terrible Two's. I feared it and prepared for it with the girls. However, it never *really* came. They had there rough moments but it could not compare to the Three's. The three's were hell. We had temper tantrums, attitude problems, independence assertions left and right... it was atrocious.
But now, as we close in on two with The Boy Child, well... it's getting ugly. The little dude has gone from laid back and mellow to wild, overly independent and downright naughty at times. He throws. He hits. He climbs (and climbs and climbs and climbs).
** He is sitting on the kitchen table playing little people.
He punches the tv and throws dinosaurs down the stairs. He steals his sisters iPods and hides them.
So, is it the terrible two's? Is it different with boys? (Dear God don't tell me this is nothing, the threes are worse.) I'm praying it's a short lived phase. Not sure I'm holding my breath for that but one can hope.
All I can say, is I think we're BOTH screwed. ;)
At least we'll be going through it together.
M - And that, my dear friend, is the only way I have a shot at surviving this. ;D
At least you aren't dealing with the hellish three's at the same time. Lucky me...
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