The summer drew to a close and it was time for school, yet again. The biggest difference this year is that all three of my children were getting ready on the first day of school. The girls were pleasantly ready to go back to school. And Jack-Jack was pure excitement. The first day came and went and for the girls it was anti-climactic. I guess by third grade you have the hang of things.
The girls are in the same class again this year. Partly because they are very autonomous at school and partly because they are both still in the inclusion class.
Jack did great on his first day. No tears, not sadness just smiles and happiness. That certainly made my transition easier. I went to Trader Joe's BY MYSELF!
Unfortunately that was just the calm before the storm. When I picked him up on day two I was informed that he screamed (not cried, screamed) for two hours. I was a little surprised but had hoped it would be a steady process.
Day three was a little better with some crying on and off but definitely improvement.
That brings us to today. Day four. He woke up and immediately cried about going. He cried all morning. He cried on the way there and the walk in. He walked into his classroom and started to sob. In those moments, what the heck are we to do. He is there for fun and learning. He's just three. But if I walk out with him that isn't a great message to send. So here I sit, with a pit in my gut and a close eye on the clock. Please God, let him have settled in.
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